If you consider yourself to be able bodied, and then something happens that changes that, that is usually very hard to take. Maybe you have an accident at work where you lose a limb. Perhaps a drunk driver plows into you and you sustain a traumatic brain injury. You may never feel quite the same after that.

You may choose to file a lawsuit following a catastrophic injury, and the money you get from that might make you feel that you’ve balanced the scales of justice a little bit. However, money won’t ever get you back to the same person you were before.  

You will need help from your family while you’re trying to figure out what the future looks like for you. Let’s discuss some ways they can do that right now. 

They Can Help You Locate the Best Medical Professionals

If you have a family, and you suffer a devastating injury, then you’re not the only one affected. Every family member will need to make adjustments. You will all go through this together. 

If you need to go to medical appointments while you’re recovering, maybe your family members can help you to find the best ones for your particular situation. Perhaps you have a spouse or partner who can assist you with that. Maybe you’ll involve your adult children who live with you, if you have any.

Together, you can look at surgeons and medical facilities that seem like the best fit. They can help you to look at your medical insurance to see who’s in network that you can use. You can locate the nearest and best-reviewed facilities and individuals, and you family can reach out to them for you if you can’t do it yourself.  

They Can Drive You to Doctor’s Appointments

If you need to have surgery following the incident, accident, or illness that impacted you so severely, your family can drive you to that. They can come visit you in the hospital while you’re recovering. They can bring things from home like a book or laptop to help you pass the time.

If you need to go to physical therapy or follow up appointments, they can take you to those as well. Maybe you can drive again eventually, but that may take some time.

They Can Drive You to Therapy Appointments

If you feel depressed following your injury or illness, then maybe you will want to go to therapy as well. Talking about what happened can help you to get back into a better frame of mind.

If you can’t drive yet, then your family members can drive you there as well, and they can pick you up afterward. They might take you through a drive-through to pick up your favorite fast-food meal if it looks like you’re not doing so well mentally. They can also go with you to pick up some medication at the nearest pharmacy if your therapist put you on anything. 

They Can Take Over Some of Your Former Tasks

You may also call on your family members to do some of the things that you no longer can. If you lost a limb or you no longer have control of your faculties like you did before, then perhaps you can’t cook meals anymore. Maybe you can’t dust the house, do the dishes, cut the grass, or any of the other chores that you once handled.

Your family members can divide up those tasks. If you have older or adult children, you will probably need them to take on more responsibilities now. They might not find it easy if they have busy lives, but they will need to understand that the circumstances require it.

They Can Try to Cheer You Up When You Feel Down

It’s perhaps more vital than anything else that your family members try to cheer you up during these hard times. Maybe you have an injury or illness from which you will recover eventually, or perhaps you will regain at least some of your previous functionality. However, that may take some time, and you will no doubt find the road back long and difficult.

Your family members can try to rekindle joy in you during these troubling times. They can make your favorite foods, have movie nights where you all watch some of your favorites, or anything else they can think of to boost your spirits. That’s often what you need most in these situations. 

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